Author: karlo
Can not login to server: “Server is going down” on ssh login
I was not able to log into an old server. Directly after connecting over ssh, I got a “Server is going down” message. Solution is to reboot into safe mode, remove /etc/nologin, do a sync, and properly shutdown the machine.
Reposync errors: empty rpm’s
I recently got empty rpm’s back from Red Hat. The system was registered properly. Problem was thet for reposync, I used a different .repo file. This file still had the old ssl/tls key sources. Update your reposync .repo file to reflect the current ssh/tls keys and things will work again :).
TMUX: Start window count at 1 instead of 0
Add to tmux.conf: # Count 1 set -g base-index 1 set -g pane-base-index 1 Completely stop and start all tmux processes and you are good to go!
Samba LDAP new version error [AttributeType not found: “displayName]?
When I was updating to a new openldap server version, I got: samba olcObjectClasses: AttributeType not found: “displayName” I first tried recompiling the ldif’s with a new samba.schema (you can find samba.schema in here), that made no difference. Solution is to move the files in /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema . Change the numbering so that samba is after…
yum update matahari errors (libcommon, libmnet, …)
Are you getting the following on yum update ? is needed by (installed) matahari-net-0.4.0-5.el6.x86_64 is needed by (installed) matahari-net-0.4.0-5.el6.x86_64 matahari-lib = 0.4.0-5.el6 is needed by (installed) matahari-net-0.4.0-5.el6.x86_64 is needed by (installed) matahari-net-0.4.0-5.el6.x86_64 matahari-agent-lib = 0.4.0-5.el6 is needed by (installed) matahari-net-0.4.0-5.el6.x86_64 Solution: yum remove matahari* yum install matahari Matahari is deprecated.
RHEL6: “DeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated function: hasNow”
A RHEL6 installation complained: “DeprecationWarning: Call to deprecated function: hasNow” in /usr/libexec/rhsmd . According to RedHat, this is not a problem, as rhsmd is working fine. Workaround in order to stop seeing the mails: # diff /tmp/rhsmd /etc/cron.daily/rhsmd 5c5 < /usr/libexec/rhsmd -s --- > /usr/libexec/rhsmd -s 2>&1 | grep -v DeprecationWarning
RHEL6: Fixing reposync UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘exit_code’ referenced…
yum-utils-1.1.31-7 fixes this issue, but it’s not available for RHEL (as far as I see). You can fix /usr/bin/reposync: — a/ +++ b/ @@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ def main(): # maybe this shouldn’t be entirely fatal sys.exit(1) + exit_code = 0 for repo in my.repos.listEnabled(): reposack = ListPackageSack(my.pkgSack.returnPackages( @@ -293,7 +294,6 @@ def main(): pkg.repo.cache…
Installing ruby mysql / activerecord-mysql-adapter gem on RHEL 6 x86_64
I couldn’t install activerecord-mysql-adapter. After some duckduckgo’ing, I found the solution. Error: Error: Building native extensions. This could take a while… ERROR: Error installing mysql: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb –with-mysql-config=/usr/lib64/mysql/mysql_config checking for mysql_ssl_set()… no checking for rb_str_set_len()… no checking for rb_thread_start_timer()… no checking for mysql.h… no checking for mysql/mysql.h… no…
Backup and restore permissions linux (accidental chmod -R)
cd /etc/ chmod -R 664 . *SHIT!* If you find you did an accidental chmod -R, you may be able to restore it. Make sure SSH login keeps working (chmod -R 0600 /etc/ssh ) Install a similar machine On that machine, issue this command: find /etc/ -exec stat –format “[ ! -L \”{}\” ] &&…
A better todo.txt repeated task inserter
I have a scheduled.txt file like this: # Scheduled tasks for todo.txt # Format: # # a dow, Mon,Tue,Wed,… # b moy, Jan,Feb,Mar,… # d dom, 01..31 # D m/d/y 12/30/12 # F Y-m-d 2012-12-30 # j doy 001..366 # V woy 01..53 # # %2 = Division by 2 is possible # %N2= Devision…
Todo.txt – Insert repeating tasks v1
(Not tested extensively). A script to add todo’s to todo.txt. Add a crontab each dat at 0:00 with the following script: #!/bin/bash SCHEDFILE=$HOME/todo/scheduled.txt TODOFILE=$HOME/todo/todo.txt # Look for all date types in scheduled for RAWDATE in $(egrep -o “^[a-zA-Z]*” $SCHEDFILE); do # Format date types for date DATESTR=” for str in $RAWDATE; do DATESTR+=”%$str”; done #…
Use a new ttf font in Fedora 17
First, find the dir you can put the font: $ grep dir /etc/fonts/fonts.conf . If it lists ~/.fonts , create the /home/username/.fonts dir Put the ttf file in the ~/.fonts directory < Rescan: $ fc-cache done.
Split an image into multiple images
1. Install imagemagick 2. $ convert originalimage.png -crop 100%x50% +repace output-page.png
Disable terminal window border in fallback mode
-edit- this only works for gnome with compiz $ ccsm go to window border type the following in ‘Decoration windows’: !(class=Gnome-terminal)
Force fallback for gnome 3
Do: $ dbus-launch gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session session-name ‘gnome-fallback’
Opera better ctrl-tab (without pop-up)
Go to opera:config, search for ‘Window Cycle Type’, change to 2
Dropbox problem on Fedora 16, 64 bit, not responding
I had this: /home/karlo/.dropbox-dist/ version `ZLIB_1.2.3.3′ not found (required by /usr/lib64/ Failed to load module: /usr/lib64/gio/modules/ And the icon did not show the sync-arrows. Disabling proxies worked for me. Right-click the db icon, settings, … you’ll find it.
Slow down fan speeds (less noise) on Fedora with Nouveau (default) driver
Add this to your commandline: nouveau.perflvl_wr=7777 Will allow you to change the fan speed. After a reboot, change fan speed by; # echo 40 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pwm0 I put the following in the root crontab to monitor temperature: * * * * * test `cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/temp1_input` -gt 75000 && echo 100 > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/pwm0 || echo 10…
Multiple JPGs to one single PDF (Linux/Fedora)
Found here: # yum install install ImageMagick pdftk $ cd jpgdir; for FILE in *.jpg; do convert $FILE -compress JPEG $FILE.pdf; done; pdftk “*.pdf” cat output allPages.pdf :)
Useful ‘command not found’ output for bash
Add this to your .bashrc: clippy() { echo “I see you’re trying to use the terminal โฆ”; echo ” v “; echo ” โญโโฎ”; echo ” โพ โพ”; echo ” โโโ”; echo ” โฐโโฏ”; } function command_not_found_handle { clippy $1; } It will result in: $ adsf I see you’re trying to use the terminal…
Focus follows mouse in gnome fallback
gconftool-2 –type string –set /apps/metacity/general/focus_mode mouse OR: Install ccsm Run it Go to general options Click ‘focus and raise behaviour’ Untick ‘raise to focus’ Now the windows will focus on hovering the mouse over it.
[SOLVED] Add date (and seconds) to GNOME3 bar/clock
$ gsettings list-recursively | grep show-date false show-seconds false Set via: $ gsettings set show-date true $ gsettings set show-seconds true
Use ssh-agent for multiple terminal windows
This script by user ‘kwall’ works well for the ssh-agent. Add ssh-add before the last ‘fi’ to add the default ssh keys into it as well.
Fedora focus follows mouse
Tuto here Only follow: gconftool-2 –type string –set /apps/metacity/general/focus_mode mouse Also raise: gconftool-2 –type boolean –set /apps/metacity/general/auto_raise true gconftool-2 –type string –set /apps/metacity/general/auto_raise_delay 600
[SOLVED] Install native spotify on Fedora (with Spotify apps)(64bit+32bit)
This cost me some hours to find out, but I am currently using the native spotify linux preview under fedora 16, 64 bit: Steps: Make sure you don’t use spotify free. It will not work on linux. Install some things: $ sudo yum install qt-webkitย perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker libXScrnSaver nspr-devel openssl-devel For 64 bit, do: $sudo ln -s…
Use document title and document date in lyx fancyheader
Put this in your Lyx preamble (document -> settings -> preamble): \def\title#1{\gdef\@title{#1}\gdef\THETITLE{#1}} \def\date#1{\gdef\@date{#1}\gdef\THEDATE{#1}} \def\author#1{\gdef\@author{#1}\gdef\THEAUTHOR{#1}} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \newcommand{\helv}{% \fontfamily{phv}\fontseries{b}\fontsize{10}{10}\selectfont} \lhead{\helv \THETITLE – \THEDATE } \rhead{\helv \THEAUTHOR} \usepackage{lastpage} \cfoot{\thepage\ / \pageref{LastPage}}
My tip: a temporary directory (for temporary files)
My tip: make a temporary directory for all kinds of random stuff. Downloads, quick notes et cetera. I use it a lot. By using a crontab like this, the old files (+5 days) are automatically deleted: $ find /home/karlo/temp/ -type f -mtime +5 -delete && find /home/karlo/temp/ -empty -delete