Below comes from a Big-5 personality test I did in 2018. It will explain a bit how I behave. Some of these are a bit weird to put down here, as it can be seen as bragging. It's not intended that way.
- I value work highly and typically want to be doing something useful. I tend not to put things off. Do not often mess things up. I always finish what I start, and do it on schedule. Frequently figuring out how to accomplish more in less time, with fewer resources. Focused
- Not very "agreeable": not particularly forgiving, accepting, flexible, gentle or patient. Not very polite / quite direct (a.k.a. I am Dutch)
- Moderately high in compassion: concerned about helping other people avoid negative emotion
- Will always try to deliver on time.
- Neither disturbed nor disgusted by others' mess and chaos.
- Extravert: comparatively enthusiastic, talkative, assertive in social situations.
- High tempo, driven. Don't like/handle negativity well. Tend to tune out with conversations where no point is in reach.
- Generally OK with criticism. I am OK admitting I do not know something.
- Relatively enthusiastic: somewhat excitable, happy and easy to get to know.
- Highly assertive, the 'take charge' type. I put my opinions forward uncommonly strongly. I often don't wait for others to lead the way, just go! Can be seen as impulsive. It can seem I act without thinking, but often this means I just came up with my own plan already.
- I rarely focus on the negative elements, anxieties and uncertainties of the past, present and future.
- I can handle new, uncertain, unexpected, threatening or complex situations extremely well, from the emotional perspective.
- Creative, exploratory, intelligent and visionary. I tend to be more interested in learning and in acquiring new abilities and skills. Curious and exploratory. Interested in abstract thinking, philosophy, and the meaning of belief systems and ideologies.
- Very interested in ideas and abstract concepts. Crave exposure to novel information, even when it is complex. Highly curious and exploratory, and actively want to find, tackle and solve challenging problems.