Year: 2020
Excel return text right of last occurrence of string
Pihole CORS problems
Fix: edit /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/auth.php add your host names to AUTHORIZED_HOSTNAMES array
Move cygwin to different disk, including services
Stop all services, log out other users, in process explorer, add command line column, stop all in old path In cygwin, go to /cygdrive, cp -vR c/cygwin* d/ mount -m > /usr/bin/mountCommands.bat # not sure if we really need this in explorer, rename c:/cygwin to OLD , log off all users if it fails, use…
Convert m4b to mp3 on Centos/Fedora using ffmpeg
for m4b in *.m4b; do ffmpeg -i $m4b -acodec libmp3lame -ar 22050 ${m4b}.mp3; done
AWK print longest line in file
awk ‘{ if (length($0) > max) {max = length($0); maxline = $0} } END { print maxline }’ YOURFILE
Windows “File is open in another program” (lsof in windows)
First get handle: Run handle once without searching for anything, to accept license. Run in a CMD AS ADMIN: handle64.exe > output.txt . Find the file you want. Then scroll up to header to see what proc is taking it.
Fix bricked firmware update jabra (evolve)
Get firmware from support site. Then update via “C:\Program Files (x86)\Jabra\SDKFirmwareUpdater\JabraFwUpdater.exe”
Tmux save all output (history) to file
bind-key P command-prompt -p ‘save history to filename:’ -I ‘~/tmux.history’ ‘capture-pane -S -32768 ; save-buffer %1 ; delete-buffer’ Add above in tmux.conf. Then do Prefix+Shift+P
Upgrade dumb shell to interactive shell (tty)
python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’ yay python
Excel return last line of multi line cell
=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B5,CHAR(10),REPT(” “;200));200)) Especially useful for project trackers. Add a LEFT(XXX;10) for returning dates.
Keeping a (GitHub) fork up to date with upstream master
1. Clone your fork: 2. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository: 3. Updating your fork from original repo to keep up with their changes: thanks
MySQL / MariaDB DB and user creation
create user ‘nextcloud’@’localhost’ identified by ‘xxx’; create database nextcloud; grant all privileges on nextcloud.* to ‘nextcloud’@’localhost’ identified by ‘xxx’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
AutoRecon over proxychains
Since we have no icmp/ping over proxychains, we have to change syntax a bit ~/svn/proxychains-ng/proxychains4 -f ~/proxychains.conf ~/svn/AutoRecon/ –nmap ‘\-sT \-Pn’ 10.1.1.{1,224,235,246,248}