Failed to initialize credentials using keytab

  1. Server was giving that error, and the ones below
  2. Check ipa servers, server was not there
  3. add server in ipa
  4. ipa-client-install –uninstall
  5. ipa-client-install
  6. ???
  7. All works again!

Dec 20 13:39:40 cosla.karlo.local [sssd[ldap_child[65497]]][65497]: Failed to initialize credentials using keytab [MEMORY:/etc/krb5.keytab]: Client 'host/karlo.karlo.local@karlo.LOCAL' not found in Kerberos database. Unable to create GSSAPI-encrypted LDAP connection.
Dec 20 13:39:40 cosla.karlo.local [sssd[ldap_child[65499]]][65499]: Failed to initialize credentials using keytab [MEMORY:/etc/krb5.keytab]: Client 'host/cosla.karlo.local@karlo.LOCAL' not found in Kerberos database. Unable to create GSSAPI-encrypted LDAP connection.
Dec 20 13:39:40 cosla.karlo.local [sssd[ldap_child[65499]]][65499]: Client 'host/cosla.karlo.local@karlo.LOCAL' not found in Kerberos database