Month: November 2019
Compiling: “bad register name `%rsp’”
Check if the arch you are compiling for (or in) has the register you try. For example the rsp register is x86_64, not x86…
Vim case insensitive searching /\csearch
use \c before your search string For example: /\csearch will find Search.
Running compiled code sh: [10665: 4] tcsetattr: Invalid argument error
Compiling exploit and getting the sh: [10665: 4] tcsetattr: Invalid argument error? It helps to compile on a similar box. Find what linux runs your same kernel version+arch and compile there. Centos 4.4 is a cool one for kernel 2.6.9. That is all.
bash add IP in PWD to variable for easy reference
Add to .bashrc: export PROMPT_COMMAND=”${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND ;} ip=\$( echo \$PWD | grep -oE ‘[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}’ ) ” Now if you browse to/in a directory which has an ipv4 ip, the IP will be stored in the $ip variable.
Easy AutoRecon summary (bash)
echo “===SUMMARY===”;grep . */report/notes.txt| while read line; do IP=$( echo -ne $line|cut -d’/’ -f1| tr -d ‘\n’ ); [[ x$IP != x$PREVIP ]] && echo; echo -n $IP ; echo -n $line | cut -d\] -f2- | grep –color=always ‘ .* found’ ; PREVIP=$IP; done; echo
Proxychains on fedora / centos7
Clone the repo: ./configure && make && sudo make install cp src/proxychains.conf /etc/proxychains.conf && vi /etc/proxychains.conf echo “alias p=’/usr/local/bin/proxychains4′” >> ~/.bashrc && . .bashrc p ssh xx@ip