Improve usb write speeds on linux (fat)
mount -o flush /dev/sdf1 /mnt
mount -o flush /dev/sdf1 /mnt
Activate: Find the hidden .kobo dir after attaching the kobo to your pc/laptop Install sqlite3 sqlite3 KoboReader.sqlite INSERT INTO “user” VALUES(‘aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa’,’aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa’,’xxxx@xxxx.xx’,’xxxx@xxxx.xx’,’2aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa==’,NULL,NULL); sqlite> .exit Add dictionaries:
traceroute -m 255
Selinux seems to “dontaudit” logs by default. This means that when selinux is permissive, your plugins will work, and when you setenforce 1 your server, plugins fail. This all happens…
MEMLINE=$( tac $MGRBASE/$REL_LOGLOC/server.status.log | egrep -m1 '\*\*.*Memory Status:' ) USED=$( echo "$MEMLINE" | egrep -o '+ MB Used' | sed 's/\..*//;s/,//' ) MAX=$( echo "$MEMLINE" | egrep -o '+ MB…
if ]; then #Check age if ]; then echo "Backup takes too long" else echo "Doing backup" fi fi
WIP sudo tcpdump -i any -nnvvv -s 1500 '(port 67 or port 68)'
Open gnome-control-center, go to system, details, default applications