Month: June 2019
Fix: Digital ID name cannot be found by underlying security system
I got this error when sending signed emails using my outlook cert by Digicert. Solution: Open certmgt Navigate to Personal/Certificates Delete the signing cert Import your cert from backup (or request a new one) Select again in Security center in outlook
Bash array operations and examples
Split to array: while IFS=’;’ read -ra ADDR; do for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do # process “$i” done done <<< “$IN” Define: distro=(“redhat” “debian” “gentoo”) Element: ${ArrayName[subscript]} Length: echo “${#distro[@]}” Example !/bin/bash define array name server names FQDN NAMESERVERS=(“” “” “”) get length of an array tLen=${#NAMESERVERS[@]} use for loop read all nameservers for ((…