Year: 2016
SELinux openvpn on Fedora (Network Manager) not working
Found here, place your certs in ~/.certs and run restorecon -v ~/.certs . Local certs should have label “unconfined_u:object_r:home_cert_t:s0″
HP iLO 4 on Linux (Opera & Firefox) no Java console
Go to https://ip.ip.ip.ip/html/java_irc.html?lang=en to load java
tcpdump all but own (connected) ip
sudo tcpdump -i any not host $( echo $SSH_CLIENT |cut -d’ ‘ -f1 )
List all arcsight connector memory usages
RHEL7 cd /etc/init.d/; for initname in arc_*; do echo $initname = $(( ( $( ps –no-headers -q $( cat /opt/arcsight/connectors/*/current/run/$ ) -o rss ) + $( ps –no-headers -q $( cat /opt/arcsight/connectors/*/current/run/$ ) -o rss ) ) / 1024 )) MB used, $( grep maxmem $( echo /opt/arcsight/connectors/$initname/current/user/agent/agent.wrapper.conf | sed ‘s/arc_//g’ ) | egrep -o…
Fix (13)Permission denied access to * denied * because search permissions are missing on a component of the path
[core:error] [pid 25430] (13)Permission denied: [client] AH00035: access to /el6/el-6-epel/ denied (filesystem path ‘/var/www/html/el6/el-6-epel’) because search permissions are missing on a component of the path check selinux
Reset HP/HPE iLO 4 password with CLI on Linux
File: Install hponcfg-4.6.0-0.x86_64.rpm , get it here: . Not available anymore? I made a base64 version of the thing here: . Run hponcfg -f pass.xml .
Simulate cron environment
Add this to your cron: 30 08 * * * env > ~/cronenv After it runs, do this: env – `cat ~/cronenv` /bin/sh via
Self extracting zipped encrypted linux package
#!/bin/bash T=`mktemp -d /tmp/$$XXXX`;trap “rm -rf $T” EXIT SIGINT; tail -n+3 $0|openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc|tar zx -C $T;C=`pwd`; cd $T;./_;cd $C;exit 0 build: #!/bin/bash find . -name “*~” -delete TMP=`mktemp -d /tmp/$$.XXXXX` trap “rm -rf $TMP” EXIT # Create payload tar -czf $TMP/payload –exclude=*~ ./* cd .. #?? DST=./packages/`date +%Y%m%d`/ mkdir `dirname $DST` ( tail…
Better top?
htop is known already I guess, but glances looks nice, too:
Get linux process start time and date
# ps -eo pid,cmd,etime,lstart | grep java 9108 grep java 00:00 Tue Feb 23 09:16:18 2016 10574 java -server -DARCSIGHT_HOM 153-23:02:58 Tue Sep 22 11:13:20 2015 11612 java -Dhotspot -DARCSIGHT_H 153-23:01:02 Tue Sep 22 11:15:16 2015 11895 java -server -DARCSIGHT_HOM 153-23:00:26 Tue Sep 22 11:15:52 2015